Hi, my name is Lauren, the face behind Mindful Mom Abroad.
For years, I struggled with chronic health problems, and honestly, I felt pretty lost at times. Growing up in small-town Oklahoma, I was a pretty normal, healthy kid. I spent my days playing outside, running around, and loving sports like basketball, volleyball, and soccer. I was full of energy, and life felt simple.
When I was in elementary school, my parents and teachers noticed I had ADHD. Instead of jumping straight to medication, my mom found a natural supplement that worked wonders for me. Looking back, I’m so grateful for that decision because it shaped how I think about health today.
Things changed when I was 17. I was preparing for an international trip and had to get a vaccine beforehand. Unfortunately, I had an adverse reaction to it, and that moment marked the start of years of health issues I couldn’t shake. I started dealing with shortness of breath, fatigue, weight gain, joint pain, and a cough that just wouldn’t quit. I went to countless doctors, but none could figure out what was wrong. Some even told me I was fine, which left me feeling confused, defeated, and, honestly, a little crazy.
At 19, I was finally diagnosed with lead poisoning and an autoimmune disorder. I had to leave college to go home and get treated for the lead poisoning. While the treatment helped me feel a bit better, I was still dealing with lingering issues. But by then, I was so desperate to move forward that I just pushed those problems aside and tried to live my life.
At 21, I got married and started hormonal birth control. But that decision brought on a whole new wave of challenges. I felt emotionally numb or angry all the time, gained weight, and just didn’t feel like myself. I tried different pills to see if the negative symptoms would away, but nothing worked. Thankfully, my husband and I decided to start a family not long after, so I wasn’t on birth control for too long.
Over the next seven years, I had four kids. With each pregnancy—except for my most recent one—I gained a lot of weight and struggled to lose it in between. After my third baby, I was at my heaviest and felt like I was stuck in an endless cycle of exhaustion and frustration.
Then, about six months after my third baby was born, we moved abroad to West Asia. That’s when things started to change. I began being more intentional about what I put in and on my body—eating cleaner, avoiding toxins, and staying active. Within just a few months, I lost 20 pounds and felt like a completely new person. It was such a huge turning point for me.
My fourth pregnancy started off rocky because we were living in a house with mold. I felt terrible until we moved out when I was about five months pregnant. After that, I started feeling better, partly because I was eating clean and hadn’t gained as much weight. At 36 weeks pregnant, I decided to try the carnivore diet, and to my surprise, it helped even more with weight management and my overall health.
Now, postpartum with my fourth baby, I’m below my pre-pregnancy weight—not from my first pregnancy, but still, it feels like a huge win. More importantly, I feel good. Better than I have in 13 years, really.
Looking back on this journey, I realize how much I’ve learned about health, non-toxic living, and taking care of myself. I know what it feels like to be told that “nothing is wrong” when your body is screaming that something is wrong. I know how overwhelming it can be to make changes, but I also know how life-changing it is when you start seeing results.
That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing my story. The road to a healthier, non-toxic lifestyle isn’t quick or easy—it takes time, patience, and a lot of learning. But it’s so worth it. If even one person can feel better or more hopeful after hearing my story, then it’s all been worth it.